INTERFACES AND FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS - IMF TEAMThe activity of the team focuses on the understanding of material and energy transfer phenomena between materials and their environment
The IMF team is developing a highly experimental activity around the mechanics and physico-chemistry of static and dynamic interfaces (identification of interface properties and understanding of material and energy transfer phenomena in the case of adhesion of thin films, localized corrosion, tribological constraints) and multi-scale processes of advanced material assemblies (bonding, laser welding, additive manufacturing, composites).
• Mechanical and physico-chemical characterization of materials (metal alloys, polymers, ceramics) and multimaterials (composites, coatings, assemblies)
• Development of test devices and related methodologies, dedicated tests, tribology, corrosion, adhesion of coatings
• Contribution to the formulation of new materials
• Structural Bonding, brazing, welding and additive manufacturing
The IMF team works to study and improve the performance of structural materials, their surfaces and interfaces, with the following objectives:
• Understand and model relationships and interactions between structures, properties and processes
• Establish prediction laws and kinetics of damage and aging
• Understand the mechanisms of material and energy transfer at the interfaces
• Make more reliable and finalize functional surfaces and assemblies
Research Topics
- Multi-scale methods for developing and assembling advanced materials
Integration and process control (welding, brazing, bonding, composites, additive manufacturing):
• Reliability of adhesive interfaces, modulation of surface reactivity and properties of adhesives
• Formulation of innovative composites with hybrid architectures
• Optimization of assemblies by laser welding on polymers and composites
• Weldability of new metal alloys
• Additive manufacturing by depositing a layer of polymer powder
• Metal additive manufacturing SLM, WAAM
- Mechanical and physicochemical characterization of static and dynamic interfaces under environmental constraints
Characterization of surfaces and interfaces and study of their durability:
• Mechanical properties and adhesion of thin layers
• Localized corrosion behaviour
• Durability of adhesive interfaces
• Composites and nanocomposites for severe applications
• Tribology under severe conditions (mechanical, thermal and chemical) and dynamics of interfacial elements (rotary and alternative friction, fretting)
Platforms & tools
Characterization of surfaces
• Optical profilometry (interferometer)
• Optical microscopy
• Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
• Nanoindentation
• Scanning electron microscopy
• (SEM, SEM-FEG, EDX spectrometry)
• RX diffraction
• Wettability (drop goniometer)
Characterization of functional polymers
• Rheometers
• Traction and compression devices
• DSC differential scanning calorimeter (enthalpy microanalyser)
• Measurement of thermal conductivity
• Thermobalance TGA TMA
• FTIR Infra-Red Spectroscopy
• Infra-Red Microscopy
Experimental methods for processes
• Injection molding machine, compression
• Rotomoulding, extruder
• Autoclave, internal mixer
• Laser welding and cutting centre on metal
• Climatic chambers, salt fog
Analysis of assemblies and coatings
• Adhesion tests
• Nano indentation
• Micro Scratch test
• Micro traction under SEM
• Non-destructive testing (acoustic microscopy, IR thermography, stereo image correlation, X-ray tomography)
• Analysis of failure modes
• Aging chamber (climate and shock)
Tribometry, surface testings
• Pion-disc tribometers heavy loads *
• Environmental Tribometer *
• Fretting device *
• Bruker UMT-Tribolab Tribometer
* Own design equipment
Projects and partnerships
• POCTEFA REVALPET: recycling and regeneration of milk bottles made of innovative materials
• ANR ArchiCaP: Architectural materials of substituted calcium phosphate for bioactive bone implants
• RAPID SYSCO: study of bonded dry film technology for aircraft repair/maintenance applications
• FUI ADDIMAFIL: development of a robotic additive manufacturing cell for laser fusion of wire for large metal parts
• ANR REVAMITIC: new biomimetic apatite coatings for joint prostheses and osteosynthesis equipment
• ANR Metaltechnics: development of high performances metallic materials for aeronautical and space applications
• FUI WASPE (IMF/M2SP): lightening aeronautical structures: power and control electronics casings
• CORAC GENOME (IMF/M2SP): polymer durability
• ANR MACCADAM: materials with controlled characteristics elaborated by additive manufacturing arc-metal
• AEROSAT LASER WELDING: development of YAG laser welding of aeronautical materials in comparison to CO² laser welding
• CLE PLASMACUT: calcium phosphate coatings by suspension plasma spray for dental and bone impacts
• READYNOV ROMA: materials and processes for aeronautics and advanced industries
Industrial partnerships
• CIFRE NIMITECH1: behaviour of structural parts out of organic matrix composite materials in a hot environment (350 °C) and interactions with the support structure
• CIFRE PRISMADD: study of selective laser sintering applied to the manufacture of polyaryletherketone parts
• CIFRE NIMITECH3: formulation and implementation of "soft" long fibre composites with TP/TD matrix complying with REACH regulations
• CIFRE SAFRAN Tech-SNECMA: high-speed labyrinth contact, identification of mechanical phenomena and thermal and abradable behaviour
• IRT SAINT-EXUPERY: provision of support means for carrying out activities within the framework of the Metaltechnics project